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i would have thought that having endured one pregnancy, a peahen would be sensible enough not to want to go through this again: the 28 days of sitting VERY still and being in constant danger of becoming fox food.

but then again, peahens have brains the size of peanuts…

diana-princess-of-tails has 4 unborn children hiding in eggs.

once a day she leaves the next to eat some peanuts and catch a drink; shouting all the time; then boosts back fast style for another 23hrs 55mins sitting very still.

chicks due any moment.


cleared up the studio 

dusted the yard

painted some blocks

swotted up on araki

my spanish lady friend came over with her mum and dad, visiting from spain.

my spanish lady friend's mum super-kindly darned a tear in my linen suit.

a student called arti from bournemouth came to ask me questions.

an exuberant tawfiq stopped by with tales from the frontline of fashion.

there be new work here in the gallery: some pages from EDICT and more

happy birthday my dad