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(new work by maximum)

photographed the arctic monkeys in a studio near their rehearsal space.

was good to see them again.
i shot their press pictures in sheffield round their first album.
a LONG time ago

now they live in LA but fortunately have retained their accents and charming demeanours.
had a happy shoot.

RTB to catch the end of the 'rolla coaster magazine' faaaashion session going on.

18 people fitting comfortably in studio 1

was amused to see various bits from the yard being carried in, for creative appropriation: some bricks, a plant, the spare corrugated plastic from durty-alley's roof.

went off again to join in the judging of the 'forever ink' tattoo competition (where 20 people win a portrait from meme perou)

some of the pictures of people's tattoos were...ur...quite shocking (?)