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all photos- maximum perou

all photos- maximum perou

i do my best to discourage the sons from taking photographs or thinking about becoming photographers.

but sometimes they'll find a snappy camera lying about and get busy.

here are just a few of 'the world through maximum's eyes'


i love children's photography: the subjects and the freedom of composition: they haven't been taught 'how to take photographs' so there is a naturality to their picture that those of us who have been doing photography for years find it really, really hard to get back.

i would LOVE to be able to shoot like they do: forgetting the (pointless) rules

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stratford is such ridiculously passive dog: he will let my annoying children do anything to him without any kind of protest.

there was a similar shot they'd tried to do with ludwig which was blurred beyond recognition, where ludwig struggled wildly (sensibly) to not have a fishing net fashionably accessorised over his head.

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lego style

lego style

i like the styling: there might be something in a car tyre as hat/head?

looks a bit like one of those yiddish fox fur rings i always covet.