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lost: one racing pigeon. if found, please return to...

lost: one racing pigeon. if found, please return to...

discovered mummified in the back of the recently opened up fireplace.
(it still STINKS)

we've got the builders in...again.

slept 11hrs straight.
got up and impressed myself with a muesli and bananna breakfast.

rendezvoused with maria and drove east to 'snap' for the last part of the olympic portfolio i've been doing forever.

apres shoot, started another shoot with hamilton.
part 1 of 10 self portrait shoots with 10 different makeup artists.

amused myself greatly driving home still in full makeup, stopping to get petrol on the way.
finding it VERY difficult to keep a straight face

soo tired on the way home had to do a redbull.
then couldn't get to sleep till 3am: PAH!